Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Capsule toys


Did it for the first time yesterday. I got lucky I guess because I got who I wanted first time doing it. I got Kurapika! Wooop! And then from the next machine I got Nobita. I got all the critters I wanted. Okay, from the Doraemon gang anyone would have been okay, they were all cute but still. Anyway, when I got Kurapika I have to admit I squealed a lil bit. Never really thought I would get him I'm really unlucky when it comes to things like that. There could all be nothing but Kurapika's and I would still get, I don't know, Barney. Yes, unlucky like that.

Maybe it's just me being a weirdo or me just missing out on a lot of things but doing the capsule toy thingamajig was really fun. Sure it rendered me broke and I probably could have gotten them for half the price in Divisoria but then I wouldn't have had the pleasure of turning the knob.

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